Sausalito In The News: Dec. 12, 1914

Local briefs
• County officials, who are in a position to know, claim that the population of Marin County is now hovering around the thirty thousand mark. In comparing Marin County as a place of rapid suburban development with the East Bay, more trains and boats are needed.
• Lack of industries and manufacturing establishments in Marin County will force a greater percentage of future growth from the metropolis. In other words, it is the commuting public that will prove to be the backbone of development. The possibilities of rapid growth are most flattering.
• In glancing over Sausalito, we see constructive work on all sides. Streets are being improved, new sidewalks laid, lots and yards cleaned up, good houses under construction, not to mention two railway enterprises that are in the making. Trains now operate between Sausalito and Eureka.
Quiet in Mexico reported
Washington – Provisional President Gutierrez and General Villa are in Mexico City and several of their military chiefs have gone to Cuernavaca to discuss with General Zapata and his officers the distribution of forces in the vicinity. It was reported in official dispatches to the State Department that conditions in Mexico City were quiet.
“Zapata soldiers, very poorly clad, some being barefooted, patrol the City,” said an announcement from the State Department. No further molestation of foreigners has occurred and fair order is being maintained. Thus far there has been no friction. Brigadier General Bliss reported bullets from Mexican snipers.
Sanborn addresses Mother’s Club
Mrs. Julia Sanborn of Berkeley spoke at length of the different aspects of the terrible European war and showed how very ignorant we are of the causes. One of the most awful sights Mrs. Sanborn pictured was to see 100,000 idle men marching the Streets of London. She pointed out how the greatest minds on this economic subject have come to one conclusion: Federal Aid in road building and all public improvements so as to remove this crying need.
Report on food products available
It is frequently noted in the daily press that the average length of life is increasing and this leads many of us to go very complacently about our business. If we were living a life that even approximated the normal, there would be little danger. But under the highly artificial conditions of modern urban life so many of our foods are now distributed in sterile packages, “predigested” and otherwise processed in order to preserve them. We are so far removed from the point of origin of our food that increasing numbers are losing all idea of the normal appearance of natural foods.
It becomes the personal duty of each individual to know what to eat, how to eat it and why to eat it. Bulletin No. 28, United States Department of Agriculture, being “The Chemical Composition of American Food Materials,” should hang in the kitchen of every home in the United States. The bulletin can be bought from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., postage prepaid, for ten cents.
Community enhancement planned
Despite the very inclement weather, the Mothers’ Club held its regular monthly meeting at South School. Six dollars was received toward the Scholarship Fund founded by the Club last August. The Garden Committee reported the placing of window boxes that will later on be planted in red geraniums. It is planned to fix up the basement of South School for classes of dancing and sewing at present. Later on, gymnasium work, gardening, swimming will be considered.
In The News: December 1914
Dec. 12 – The largest one-day percentage drop in the history of Dow Jones Industrial Average, down 24.39 percent.
Dec. 16 – World War I: German battleships under Franz Von Hipper bombard the English ports of Hartlepool and Scarborough.
Dec. 25 – Legendary “Christmas Truce” takes place on the battlefields of World War I between British and German troops. Instead of fighting, soldiers exchange gifts and play football.
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