Fritz Crackers Returns

By Larry Clinton, President
Under the nom de plume Fritz Crackers, Phil Frank produced a weekly comic strip in the Marin Scope from 1977-1984, gently lampooning the local scene. This installment was triggered by the rerouting of the Golden Gate Transit Bus Route 20 in September, 1983. The 20 was shifted from Sausalito to Marin City to pick up passengers going to Central Marin during the daytime, resuming service on Bridgeway in the early evening.
Many Sausalitans were infuriated that the decision to eliminate daytime stops along Bridgeway was made without their input. As the Marin Scope reported:
“At the request of City officials, the Marin County Board of Supervisors (sitting as the Marin County Transit District Board) has agreed to discuss the Route 20 service and how it has affected bus patrons at its Tuesday, December 6 meeting, which begins at 9 am.
Despite repeated requests from the City and the Chamber of Commerce, the Bridge Board and the Marin County Transit District Board have declined to accept an invitation to attend an evening public hearing in Sausalito to hear from residents regarding the reduction in daytime service to Sausalito.
“Since it will be impossible for many people to attend the early morning weekday meeting, residents and concerned citizens are invited to complete the questionnaire which appears on page 6.
“The Golden Gate Bridge Board of Directors has told the City it needs to hear from bus patrons affected by the route change in order to make changes in its policy.
“Anyone who is interested in attending the December 6 meeting can request transportation. Car pools will leave the Civic Center at approximately 8:30.”
Phil’s imagination ran wild with what might happen to an unsuspecting passenger who got caught on the rerouted bus without warning.
In conjunction with Phil Frank Day in Sausalito, the Sausalito Historical Society presents a new exhibition of Fritz Crackers. strips, many of which are surprisingly relevant today. This exhibition encourages visitors to discover the man behind the humor. Exhibition sponsors include the Sausalito Art Festival Foundation, the Sausalito Lions Club, and Historical Society members.
An opening reception will take place on Saturday, March 31, from 6-8 PM at the Society’s newly renovated Exhibition Gallery on the second floor of Sausalito City Hall, 420 Litho St. The exhibition will be open to the public through Labor Day. Call the Sausalito Historical Society at 415-289-4117 for more information.
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